From The Grave, CO. From The Grave, CO.


You don’t need a wishbone you need backbone. The notorious character defect of every addict and alcoholic, so far as I can see, is we want everything for nothing. Or as much benefit and reward as we can rip out of the situation with as little as possible given. This shortcoming was the bane of my existence.

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From The Grave, CO. From The Grave, CO.

Forget To Remember

Sometimes we need reminders. Hell, I know I do. Reminders of our truth. Reminders of who we are. Reminders of the immensity of ourself. That we are love and have a value to offer this world. That we are okay.

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Travel From The Grave, CO. Travel From The Grave, CO.

Self-Will vs Gods-Will

What is self-will? Let’s consider this: when someone passes they tend to leave behind a will. What is in this will? Their plans and designs for how things “should” go.

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